5 minute read


Hi all,

Jeremy here again and with permission I wanted to tell you a bit about a recent client of ours.

Let me tell you about Stanley.

Stanley had just retired from a job that he tolerated but hadn’t filled him with excitement, so his feelings about the next chapter of his life baffled him. He should have felt content and free. He didn’t.


He was free, more financially stable than he ever imagined, but he felt stuck. 

Stanley made an appointment stating, ‘I don’t know what I want to talk about… but it’s, something’. The something was his feeling of disconnection from himself and others, questioning how he had been so busy with work that he had barely noticed that his life and world had become so small… so lonely. 


Stanley and I rediscovered his love for long abandoned pastimes; especially painting and dancing. We explored online and local groups that shared his passions and together we worked through his anxieties around doing something new and meeting new people. 

Soon, Stanley didn’t need support anymore, but I knew he was doing well when I received a picture of his latest piece of art … a feather dancing gracefully in the wind, energised by the power of a new beginning and a world of possibility.